


The Main Results are Stated in the Following Works:

My book The Origin of Gravity from First Principles

My book Structure of Space and the Submicroscopic Deterministic Concept of Physics.

[1] V. Krasnoholovets and D. Ivanovsky, Motion of a particle and the vacuum, Physics Essays, Vol. 6, No. 4, 554-563 (1993) (also

[2] V. Krasnoholovets, Motion of a relativistic particle and the vacuum, Physics Essays, Vol. 10, No. 3, 407-416 (1997) (also

[3] V. Krasnoholovets and V. Byckov, Real inertons against hypothetical gravitons. Experimental proof of the existence of inertons, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1-23 (2000) (also

[4] V. Krasnoholovets, On the nature of spin, inertia and gravity of a moving canonical particle, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 48, No. 2, 97-132 (2000) (also

[5] V. Krasnoholovets, On the theory of the anomalous photoelectric effect stemming from a substructure of matter waves, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 49, No. 1, 1-32 (2001) (also

[6] V. Krasnoholovets, On the way to submicroscopic description of nature, Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 49, No. 2, 81-95 (2001) (also e-print archive

[7] V. Krasnoholovets, Space structure and quantum mechanics, Spacetime & Substance, Vol. 1, No. 4, 172-175 (2000) (also [Invited talk given at the Ukrainian Russian conference "Gravitation, Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics", Kharkiv, Ukraine, 8-12 November 2000].

[8] V. Krasnoholovets, On the mass of elementary carriers of gravitational interaction, Spacetime & Substance, Vol. 2, No. 4, 169-170 (2001) (also

[9] V. Krasnoholovets, Collective dynamics of hydrogen atoms in the KIO3*HIO3 crystal dictated by a substructure of the hydrogen atoms' matter waves, [Report delivered at the XV International School-Seminar "Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals", Chernihiv, Ukraine, 23-30 June 2001].

[10] V. Krasnoholovets, Submicroscopic deterministic quantum mechanics, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 11, 164-179 (2002), Ed.: D. Dubois (also [Invited talk delivered at the Fifth International Confrerence on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS'2001), Liege, Belgium, 13-18 August 2001].

[11] V. Krasnoholovets, On the notion of the photon, Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Vol. 27, No. 1, 93-100 (2002) (also
(pdf file, 114 kb).

[12] V. Krasnoholovets, Gravitation as deduced from submicroscopic quantum mechanics

[13] V. Krasnoholovets, Can quantum mechanics be cleared from conceptual difficulties? (Report prepared for the Wigner Centennial Conference, University Pecs, Hungary, July, 2002)

[14] V. Krasnoholovets and B. Lev, Systems of particles with interaction and the cluster formation in condensed matter, Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 6, No. 1, 67-83 (2003) (also

[15] V. Krasnoholovets, Clusterization of water molecules as deduced from statistical mechanical approach, Central European Journal of Physics, Vol. 2, No. 4, 698-708 (2004).

[16] M. Bounias and V. Krasnoholovets, How space generates matter and physical laws. In: Science addendum to: I. Harezi, The resonance in residence. An inner and outer quantum journey (Ilonka Harezy, USA, 2002), Ch. 4, pp. 33-53.

[17] M. Bounias and V. Krasnoholovets, Scanning the structure of ill-known spaces: Part 1. Founding principles about mathematical constitution of space, Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics, Vol. 32, No. 7/8, 945-975 (2003) [in a special issue on some new theories about time and space] (also

[18] M. Bounias and V. Krasnoholovets, Scanning the structure of ill-known spaces: Part 2. Principles of construction of physical space, Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics, Vol. 32, No. 7/8, 976-1004 (2003) [in a special issue on some new theories about time and space] (also

[19] M. Bounias and V. Krasnoholovets, Scanning the structure of ill-known spaces: Part 3. Distribution of topological structures at elementary and cosmic scales, Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics, Vol. 32, No. 7/8, 1005-1020 (2003) [in a special issue on some new theories about time and space] (also

[20] M. Bounias and V. Krasnoholovets, The universe from nothing: A mathematical lattice of empty sets. International Journal of Anticipatory Computing Systems, Vol. 16, pp. 3-24 (2004), Ed.: D. Dubois (also [Talk delivered at CASYS'2003 (The Conference on Anticipatory Computing Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Liege, Belgium, 11-16 August 2003].

[21] V. Krasnoholovets, Newton's static potential 1/r as a space relief formed by dynamic inertons, carriers of the gravitational interaction, Spacetime & Substance, Vol. 4, No. 4, 145-151 (2003) [Talk prepared for the Second Ukrainian-Russian Conference 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics', Inst. TTR, Kharkiv, Ukraine, June, 23-27, 2003].

[22] V. Krasnoholovets, On the nature of the electric charge, Hadronic Journal Supplement, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 425-456 (2003) (also (pdf file, 240 kb).

[23] V. Krasnoholovets, On the origin of conceptual difficulties of quantum mechanics, in Developments in Quantum Physics, Eds.: F. Columbus and V. Krasnoholovets, (Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2004), pp. 85-109 (also

[24] V. Krasnoholovets and J.-L. Tane, An extended interpretation of the thermodynamic theory including an additional energy associated with a decrease in mass, International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, 67-79 (2006) (also

[25] V. Krasnoholovets, S. Skliarenko and O. Strokach, On the behavior of physical parameters of aqueous solutions affected by the inerton field of Teslar® Technology, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1-14 (2006) (also (pdf file, 299 kb)
або в перекладі українською мовою: (pdf file, 242 kb).

[25a] V. Krasnoholovets, S. Skliarenko and O. Strokach, The study of the influence of a scalar physical field on aqueous solutions in a critical range, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 127, Nos. 1-3, 50-52 (2006) .

[26] E. Andreev, G. Dovbeshko and V. Krasnoholovets, The study of influence of the Teslar technology on aqueous solution of some biomolecules, direct access: Research Letters in Physical Chemistry, Vol. 2007, Article ID 94286, 5 pages (2007). doi:10.1155/2007/94286 (pdf file, 800 kb) (also [physics.gen-ph])

[27] V. Krasnoholovets, Reasons for nuclear forces in light of the constitution of the real space, Scientific Inquiry, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 25-50 (2006) (also (pdf) Reasons for nuclear forces in light of the constitution of the real space, 277 kb.

[28] V. Krasnoholovets, N. Kukhtarev and T. Kukhtareva, Heavy electrons: Electron droplets generated by photogalvanic and pyroelectric effects, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 20, No. 16, 2323-2337 (2006)
(also (pdf) Heavy electrons: Electron droplets generated by photogalvanic and pyroelectric effects, 242 kb

[29] V. Krasnoholovets and D.-Y.Chung, The space structure, force fields and quantum mechanics, American Institute of Physics - Conference Proceeding, Vol. 839, pp. 198-211 (2006) Ed.: D. Dubois [The work was deivered by Dr. Peter Rowlands at CASYS'05 (The Conference on Anticipatory Computing Systems, Institute of Mathematics, Liege, Belgium, 8-13 August 2005) and received a "Best Paper Award" at the conference] (pdf file, 132 kb)

[30] V. Krasnoholovets and D.-Y.Chung, The cosmic organism theory, Scientific Inquiry 8, No. 2, pp. 165 – 182 (2007) .

[31] D.-Y. Chung and V. Krasnoholovets, The quantum space phase transitions for particles, Progress in Physics 3, 74-77 (2006)

[32] V. Krasnoholovets, The tessellattice of mother-space as a sorce and generator of matter and physical laws, in Einstein and Poincare: The physical vacuum, Ed.: V. Dvoeglazov (Apeiron, Montreal, 2006), pp. 143-153 (also (pdf file, 143 kb).

[33] V. Krasnoholovets, Reasons for the gravitational mass and the problem of quantum gravity, in Ether, space-time and cosmology, Vol. 1. Modern ether concepts, relativity and geometry. Eds.: M. Duffy, J. Levy and V. Krasnoholovets (PD Publications, Liverpool, 2008), pp. 419-450 ( ISBN 1 873 694 10 5). [This is a lecture presented at the conference Physical Interpretation of Relativity Theory IX (Imprial College, London, 2006)] (also see in (pdf file, 192 kb).

[34] V. Krasnoholovets, On microscopic interpretation of phenomena predicted by the formalism of general relativity, in Ether space-time and cosmology, Vol. 2. New insights into a key physical medium. Eds.: M. C. Duffy, J. Levy (Apeiron, 2009), pp. 417-431. (Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc., Apeiron, ISBN: 0973291184; 978-0973291186). also: Apeiron, Vol. 16, No. 3, 418- 438 (2009). [This is a lecture presented at the conference Physical Interpretation of Relativity Theory X (Imprial College, London, 2008)]
(pdf file, 129 kb).

[35] V. Krasnoholovets, Variation in mass of entities in condensed media, Applied Physics Research, Vol. 2, No 1, pp. 46-59 (2010)
(pdf file, 409 kb).
See also my presentation at the 4th Feynman Festival (Olomouce, Czech Republic, 22-26 June 2009) Bose-Einstein condensation and the submicroscopic concept

[36] V. Krasnoholovets, Sub microscopic description of the diffraction phenomenon, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 273 - 286 (2010).
(pdf file, 150 kb)
(also see in, in this version I added an afterword)
See also my presentation at the 11th Conference of squeezed states and uncertainty relations (Olomouce, Czech Republic, 22-26 June 2009) Heisenberg's uncertainties and the submicroscopic concept. Diffraction of photons

[37] V. Krasnoholovets, Dark matter as seen from the physical point of view, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 335, No. 2, 619-627 (2011). DOI 10.1007/s10509-011-0774-y.,
(pdf) Dark matter as seen from the physical point of view, 660 kb
(also see in arXiv:1609.03411 [physics.gen-ph])

[38] V. Krasnoholovets and I. Gandzha, A submicroscopic description of the formation of crop circles, Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), Vol. 2, April issue, 323-335 (2012)
(pdf file, 1.2 Mb)
See also my presentation at the 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS 2011, 31 May - 3 June 2011, Agios Nikolaos Crete Greece,
(pdf) A submicroscopic description of the formation of crop circles, 2 Mb

[39] V. Krasnoholovets, On the gravitational time delay effect and the curvature of space, International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems 27, ззю 137-147 (2014); Edited by D. M. Dubois, CHAOS, Liege, Belgium, ISSN 1373-5411 ISBN 2-930396-16-4 The work was presented at the conference CASYS2011 (Liege, Belgium)
(pdf) On the gravitational time delay effect and the curvature of space, 400 kb

[40] V. Krasnoholovets, Submicroscopic viewpoint on gravitation, cosmology, dark energy and dark matter, and the first data of inerton astronomy, in Recent Developments in Dark Matter Research. Editors: Nori Kinjo and Akira Nakajima with participation of Dr. Roldão da Rocha (Nova Science Publishers, 2013), pp. 1-61 (ISBN: 978-1-62948-010-7). DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5110.7841
(pdf file, 1.5 Mb)

[41] V. Krasnoholovets, Inerton field effects in nanosystems, in Quantum Nanosystems: Structure, Properties and Interactions Editor: Michai V. Putz (Apple Academic Press, Toronto, 2014), pp. 59-102. (ISBN: 978-1-926895-90-1) DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1375.2324
(pdf) Inerton field effects in nanosystems, 620 kb

[42] V. Krasnoholovets, On resolving the crisis in particle physics associated with the fall of supersymmetry, International Frontier Science Letters (IFSL), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 84-95 (2014)
(pdf) On resolving the crisis in particle physics associated with the fall of supersymmetry, 550 kb

[43] V. Krasnoholovets, Quarks and hadrons in the real space, Journal of Advanced Physics, Vol. 5, No. 2, 145-167 (2016)
(pdf) Quarks and hadrons in the real space, 1.8 MB

[44] V. Krasnoholovets, Sound into light: on the mechanism of the phenomenon of sonoluminescence, Journal of Advanced Physics, Vol. 5, No. 2, 168-175 (2016) (pdf) Sound into light: on the mechanism of the phenomenon of sonoluminescence, 350 kb

[45] V. Krasnoholovets, Yu. Zabulonov and I. Zolkin, On the nuclear coupling of proton and electron, Universal Journal of Physics and Application 10, No. 3, 90-103 (2016).
The paper can be downloaded from the web site of the journal:
A pdf file can be download also following this link:
(pdf) On the nuclear coupling of proton and electron, 750 kb

[46] V. Krasnoholovets, The Concept of Spin in the Submicroscopic Description, SciFed Journal of Spintronics & Quantum Electronics , 2018, 1:2 (11 pages).
(pdf) The Concept of Spin in the Submicroscopic Description, 474 kb

[47] V. Krasnoholovets, Magnetic monopole as the shadow side of the electric charge, Journal of Physics Conference Series 1251:012028 (June 2019)
(pdf) Magnetic monopole as the shadow side of the electric charge, 388 kb

Proceedings of 11th International Symposium Honoring Noted Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier ADVANCES IN FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS, Liege, Belgium, 6 – 9 August 2018. Editors: R. l. Amoroso: D. Dubois and P. Rowlands.

[48] V. Christianto, V. Krasnoholovets and F. Smarandache, The wave behavior of quantum systems and the submicrosocpic concept of the microworld, in Old Problems and New Horizons in World Physics. Editors: V. Christianto, V. Krasnoholovets and F. Smarandache. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (2019), pp. 93-109.
(pdf) The wave behavior of quantum systems..., 1.5 Mb

[49] V. Krasnoholovets, Inerton astronomy, in Old Problems and New Horizons in World Physics. Archaeology of Modern Physics. Editors: V. Christianto, V. Krasnoholovets and F. Smarandache. Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (2019), pp. 349-352.
(pdf) Inerton astronomy, 760 kb)

[50] V. Christianto, V. Krasnoholovets, and F. Smarandache, Cellular automata representation of submicroscopic physics, Prespacetime Journal 10, No. 8, 1024-1036 (2019).

[51] A. Litinas, S. Geivanidis, A. Faliakis, Y. Courouclis, Z. Samaras, A. Keder, V. Krasnoholovets, I. Gandzha, Y. Zabulonov, O. Puhach, M. Dmytriyuk, Biodiesel production from a high FFA feedstock with a chemical multifunctional process intensifier, Biofuel Research Journal 7, No. 2, 1143-1177 (2020);

[52] V. Krasnoholovets and V. Fedorivsky, Transmission of wellness information signals using an inerton field channel, European Journal of Applied Physics 2, No. 6, pp. 1-8 (2020).
(pdf) Transmission of wellness information signals using an inerton field channel, 800 kb
В перекладі українською мовою: (pdf снопик, 895 кб)

[53] V. Krasnoholovets, Derivation of gravity from first submicroscopic principles, in The Origin of Gravity from First Principles. Editor: V. Krasnoholovets; Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (2021), pp. 281-332.
(pdf) Derivation of gravity from first submicroscopic principles, 5.2 Mb

[54] V. Krasnoholovets, Information field and its carriers in biological systems, NeuroQuantology 20, No. 4, pp. 179-201 (2022).
(pdf) Information field and its carriers in biological systems, 1.7 Mb

[55] V. Krasnoholovets, Inerton communication: Future of wireless, European Journal of Applied Physics, 4, No. 4, pp. 28-32 (2022).
(pdf) Inerton communication: Future of wireless, 920 kb

[56] V. Christianto, Yu. Umniyati, V. Krasnoholovets, On plausible role of classical electromagnetic theory and submicroscopic physics to understand and enhance Low Energy Nuclear Reaction: A preliminary review, Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 22, 27-34 (2017).
(pdf file, 163 kb)

[57] V. Krasnoholovets, Direct derivation of the neutrino mass, Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 10, 621-646 (2024).
(pdf) Direct derivation of the neutrino mass, 1 Mb - here, a short appendix is added with the algorithm of calculation of the masses in the eV/c^2 units.
The article states that there is only one type of neutrino, and it is neither Dirac nor Majorana (not sterile). It's just an ordinary electron in its frozen magnetic monopole state.
(translated into Ukrainian, pdf, 1 Mb)

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